10 Productivity Tips for Working SMARTER, not Harder

Batch Activities  Batching activities is a great way to increase productivity and finish tasks in less time. Rather than tackling large tasks individually throughout the day, try organising emails, writing assignments, or other tasks into smaller batches and completing them all at once. This will help improve concentration and efficiency so you’re working smarter, not harder. By batching activities together, …

Creating “Me” Time

In today’s jam-packed, over-committed, mega-busy world, it’s hard to find time for numero uno: yourself.  Remember, you’re the only one who can take care of you. Stress, lack of exercise/sleep and a poor diet will ruin your performance no matter what your job.  According to the NSW Mental Health Association, 75% of Australians surveyed admitted that stress in their lives …

How to Reduce Distractions.

SCARY FACT:  The average person checks their phone close to 150 times per day! Let’s face it, we all get distracted, we are only human! But what if I could tell you about a few simple things you could do to reduce the amount of distractions you face in a day? A way to actually finish the tasks you have …