
What Your Need to Know About Green Collar Hiring

In recent years, the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and renewables industry has experienced a significant boom, driven by the global shift towards sustainable practices and renewable energy sources. As we move toward Net Zero in coming years, more than 300 million additional green-collar jobs will be created by 2050. We know the green collar sector is growing, so how do we staff it? This industry poises unique challenges associated with hiring the right talent that will confront business owners and recruiters a like in the coming years. From skill specificity to regulatory considerations, hiring managers in this sector face a unique set of concerns that require careful navigation, here’s what you need to know about hiring for ESG, solar, and renewables.

The Green Collar Hiring Boom

The transition to renewable energy is not just creating a more sustainable future—it’s also creating a significant number of green jobs. According to a report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the renewable energy sector employed 12 million people globally in 2019, with the potential to create millions more jobs in the coming years.

In the United States alone, the renewable energy sector employed nearly 415,000 people in 2019, according to the U.S. Energy and Employment Report. This represents a significant increase from previous years and underscores the growing importance of the sector in the country’s economy.


Skill Specificity

Candidates for jobs in the ESG/solar/renewables industry must have highly specialized skills. Positions in this sector demand a deep understanding of renewable energy technologies, sustainable practices, and environmental regulations. For example, candidates in solar energy must have an in-depth knowledge of photovoltaic technology, including the design, installation, and maintenance of solar panels. They must also be familiar with solar energy storage systems and grid integration to ensure efficient and sustainable energy production.

Similarly, candidates in wind energy require expertise in turbine mechanics, including the design, construction, and maintenance of wind turbines. They must also understand wind farm operations, including wind resource assessment, turbine performance optimization, and grid integration. Additionally, candidates in both solar and wind energy need to have a strong grasp of environmental regulations and permitting processes to ensure compliance with local, state, and federal laws.

In addition to technical skills, candidates in the ESG/solar/renewables industry must possess strong analytical and problem-solving skills to address complex challenges in renewable energy production and sustainability. They must also have excellent communication and collaboration skills to work effectively with cross-functional teams and stakeholders.

Overall, hiring for the ESG/solar/renewables industry requires finding candidates with a unique blend of technical expertise, environmental awareness, and the ability to innovate.

Regulatory Environment

The ESG/solar/renewables industry operates within a complex regulatory environment shaped by government policies and regulations. These regulations govern various aspects of the industry, including energy production, environmental impact, and sustainability standards. Hiring managers in this industry must ensure that candidates have a thorough understanding of these regulations and their implications for business operations. This includes knowledge of environmental laws and policies, such as emissions standards, waste management regulations, and renewable energy incentives.

Moreover, the regulatory landscape for the ESG/solar/renewables industry is constantly evolving, with new policies and regulations being introduced regularly. Candidates must demonstrate the ability to stay updated on these developments and adapt their strategies accordingly. This requires a proactive approach to monitoring regulatory changes, engaging with industry stakeholders, and advocating for policies that support sustainable practices and renewable energy growth.

Technical Knowledge

Technical proficiency is paramount in the ESG/solar/renewables industry due to its reliance on complex renewable energy systems and technologies. Candidates must possess a deep understanding of these systems to design, install, and maintain renewable energy infrastructure efficiently. However, most companies know that upskilling employees for de-carbonisation will be an evolving process, with PwC finding that 2/3s of companies plan to upskill in for climate change related work.

Employers in the ESG/solar/renewables industry seek candidates who not only possess a strong technical background but also demonstrate a willingness to learn and adapt to new technologies. The renewable energy sector is characterized by rapid technological advancements, requiring professionals to stay updated with the latest trends and innovations. Candidates who show a proactive approach to continuous learning and skill development are highly valued. Employers also look for candidates with a hands-on approach and practical experience in implementing renewable energy projects, as this demonstrates their ability to translate theoretical knowledge into real-world applications.

Passion for Sustainability

In the ESG/solar/renewables industry, passion for sustainability is not just a desirable trait but a fundamental driver of success. Candidates who are genuinely committed to environmental conservation bring a unique perspective and dedication to their work. There should be no shortage of people who are committed to the environment in coming years, in the UK, 60% of those at school leaving age (16-18 years) said they would prefer employment rather than further or higher education through universities and colleges. This passion often translates into innovative solutions and a deep-seated commitment to achieving the industry’s sustainability goals. Moreover, individuals with a strong passion for sustainability are more likely to stay motivated and resilient in the face of challenges, driving continuous improvement and progress in the industry.

Cross-disciplinary Skills

Future jobs will span a wide range of job types from technical to non-technical and corporate to trades. The ESG/solar/renewables industry is inherently interdisciplinary, requiring professionals to possess a blend of technical, business, and environmental knowledge. For example, candidates may need to understand renewable energy technologies from a technical standpoint, while also being able to communicate effectively with stakeholders and communities about the benefits of these technologies. This blend of skills allows professionals to bridge the gap between different disciplines and drive holistic solutions that consider both environmental and business perspectives. Employers value candidates who can demonstrate proficiency in multiple areas, as they can contribute to more comprehensive and effective strategies for sustainable development.

Adaptability and Resilience

The renewable energy industry is characterized by rapid technological advancements and evolving market dynamics. Candidates who can adapt to these changes and demonstrate resilience in the face of challenges are highly sought after. Employers value individuals who are willing to embrace change and are capable of thriving in a dynamic and fast-paced environment. Adaptability and resilience are key traits that enable professionals in the ESG/solar/renewables industry to navigate uncertainty and drive innovation, ensuring the industry remains at the forefront of sustainable development.

Green Collar Jobs will Remain Highly Desirable for Good Reason

The renewable energy industry, particularly in the realms of ESG, solar, and renewables, has experienced a tumultuous yet transformative journey in recent years. The sector’s rapid expansion, fueled by a global push towards sustainability, has created an intense competition for talent, akin to a “war for talent.” However, as highlighted in a Financial News London article, the pace of hiring in the ESG sector has slowed after an initial explosion of demand.

This slowdown can be attributed to several factors, including the industry’s maturation, where the initial rush to fill critical roles has now stabilized. Companies have also become more strategic in their hiring practices, focusing on quality over quantity to ensure that new hires align with their long-term goals and values. Additionally, as the industry continues to evolve, there is a growing emphasis on upskilling existing employees to meet changing demands, reducing the immediate need for external hires.

Despite the slowdown in hiring, the renewable energy sector remains a vibrant and dynamic field, offering numerous opportunities for job seekers and employers alike. Companies are now focusing on building diverse and inclusive teams, recognizing the value that different perspectives and backgrounds bring to the table. Moreover, as the sector continues to innovate and expand, there is a growing need for professionals who can drive sustainable practices and navigate complex regulatory landscapes.

In conclusion, while the pace of hiring in the ESG/solar/renewables industry may have slowed, the sector’s future remains bright. Companies that adapt to these changing dynamics, prioritize talent development, and remain committed to sustainability will continue to thrive and lead the way towards a more sustainable future.

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