Understanding ‘Quiet Quitting’ and How to Get Employees Engaged

In August, ResumeBuilder.com surveyed 1,000 workers to understand the pervasiveness of ‘quiet quitting.’

Key findings:

  • 21% of workers are ‘quit quitting’ saying they only do the bare minimum; 5% do even less than what they’re paid to do
  • 8 in 10 ‘quiet quitters’ are burned out
  • 1 in 10 employees are putting in less effort than 6 months ago; half say this hasn’t gone unnoticed
  • 1 in 3 who have reduced effort have cut back hour spent working by more than 50%
  • 9 in 10 ‘quiet quitters’ could be incentivised to work harder

So what is ‘quiet quitting’ and how can address employee discontent before it becomes a bigger issue?

Unveiling the Enigma of “Quiet Quitting”: Identifying, Understanding, and Addressing Employee Disengagement

Do you work with someone who is just “over it?” Everything seems to hard and they’re truly just phoning it in and going through the motions. Recently, this feeling has become a phenomena and it’s called, ‘quiet quitting.’ Quiet quitting refers to the silent disengagement of employees who withdraw emotionally and mentally from their work without overtly expressing discontent. This trend has most likely been around forever, but has become more prevelant in recent times as a reaction to ‘hustle culture’ that burns people out. Today, ‘quiet quitting’ poses a significant challenge for employers, demanding a nuanced approach to signs, implications, and strategies for mitigation.

Recognising the Subtle Signs

From a diminishing enthusiasm in team meetings to a decline in the quality of work, employees may exhibit signs of disengagement that, if left unaddressed, could lead to a stealthy exit. By paying attention how employees act and feel, employers can proactively detect the early stages of quiet quitting and step in to provide support to the employee.

Remote Work’s Influence on Quiet Quitting

With the surge in remote and hybrid work arrangements, the dynamics of employee engagement have undergone a significant shift. Physical distance from the workplace can exacerbate feelings of isolation and disconnection, contributing to the rise of quiet quitting. The absence of face-to-face interactions and the challenges of virtual communication create an environment where employees may silently disengage. If your aim is to foster a connected and inclusive virtual workplace, you should definitely implement outside the box retention strategies such as holding office wide competitions or games, giving swag, celebrating ‘out of office time,’ and creating new ways to give positive feedback.

Examples of Quiet Quitting in Action

To illustrate the concept, the article provides real-world examples of quiet quitting. For instance, an employee who was once proactive in team discussions may gradually withdraw, contributing less to meetings and offering minimal input. Similarly, a decline in the quality of work, missed deadlines, or a general lack of initiative can signal quiet quitting. These examples serve as cautionary tales, urging employers to build friendly, positive teams where employees are engaged, feel valued, and want to come to work.

Addressing the Silent Exodus

While identifying ‘quiet quitting’ is a crucial first step, taking action to make sure employees are engaged is the next step. Start by creating an environment where employees feel comfortable expressing concerns or dissatisfaction, so that employers can proactively address issues before they escalate into quiet quitting. Regular check-ins, both formal and informal, can serve as essential touch points for understanding employee sentiment.

Furthermore, employers must priortise employee well-being. Burnout and stress contribute significantly to disengagement, making it imperative for employers to implement mental health resources and initiatives. Recognising the individual needs of employees and offering flexibility in work arrangements can go a long way in preventing the silent exit of valuable talent.

The Future of Work

In conclusion, employers grappling with the challenges of employee disengagement must be proactive. By recognizing the subtle signs, understanding the influence of remote work, and implementing proactive strategies, employers can navigate the intricacies of quiet quitting. This phenomenon, while challenging, presents an opportunity for organizations to reassess their employee engagement strategies and cultivate workplaces where every employee feels valued and connected. In the pursuit of a thriving work culture, addressing quiet quitting is not just a necessity – it is a strategic imperative for the future of work.

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